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Spekter. 70 Years of the UGM Collection

The new major exhibition at the UGM | Maribor Art Gallery opens up a spectrum of views, positions, and forms, both within the artworks from the UGM...


Tired Palm Trees

Tired Palm Trees is a transnational exhibition project that changes at each exhibition venue and is anchored anew locally.


Anastazija Pirnat / Paintings and Drawings

With a wealth of visual and material layers, Anastasia Pirnat creates images that cast an irresistible spell over us.

UGM | Maribor Art Gallery, Strossmayerjeva ulica 6, 2000 Maribor, Slovenia

open: Tue–Sun, 10:00–18:00. closed: on Mondays and on 1 January, Easter Sunday, 1 May, 1 November, 24 December, 25 December and 31 December. Exhibition spaces may temporarily be closed due to exhibition set-up.